Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Mr. Tonino Picula, Croatian Foreign Minister, received yesterday Mr. Aleksej Meškov, Assistant Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation. During the talks, bilateral relations were evaluated as very good and with an upward trend, and satisfaction with constant rise in commodity exchange was expressed. This is a good indicator for future relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Russian Federation.

The Croatian Minister proposed to further strengthen the overall bilateral cooperation by stronger linking of cities and regions of the two countries. This proposal was evaluated by the Russian side as very good and constructive and is in line with the new direction in Russian foreign policy aimed at strengthening interregional cooperation. Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the achieved arrangement on the realisation of the project of Družba-Adria oil pipeline, and evaluated that it is an important step in further linking of economies included in the project, as well as for economic interests of the USA.

The interlocutors further discussed topics related to international security situation with special emphasis on the course of the crisis in relations with Iraq which, according to joint evaluation, apart from power supply dimension, might affect international legal order, as well as future of international institutions.

Both sides emphasised the need to resolve the crisis by political and diplomatic means and to consistently fulfil the conditions specified in UN resolutions. There was particular emphasis on the danger of possible negative impact of the resolution of Iraqi crisis to the territory of the Near East, Middle Asia and North Africa. It was pointed out that terrorist organisations, organised crime and chains of illegal drug trafficking should be fought against jointly. Mr. Meškov expressed his satisfaction with past exchange of views and evaluations with the Croatian side and expressed interest in the resumption of regular consultations on all issues of joint interest.

At the end of the talks, Croatian Foreign Minister reiterated the invitation to Foreign Minister Ivanov to officially visit Croatia.

Press releases