Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

The delegation of the Croatian Foreign Ministry, including Mr. Josip Vrbošić, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Ratko Maričić, General Consul of the Republic of Croatia in Mostar and Mr. Boris Belanić, Consul Counsellor at the General Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Banja Luka, visited today in the afternoon Mr. Marinko Anđelić, a wounded member of the Anđelić family. Members of delegation conveyed to him best wishes of Minister Picula for a fast recovery, and emphasised that the Croatian diplomatic and consular agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to protect the interests of the Croatian people in this state.

Within its possibilities, the Croatian Foreign Ministry shall assist people and the region they live in. Yesterday, Consul Counsellor Belanić visited the village of Kostajnica in the municipality of Konjic where he talked with the local parish priest don Anto Ledić, as well as with several returnees who live in the village.

They discussed possibilities of assisting this village after tragic events so as to alleviate and remove its consequences. Within the assistance program for Croats to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina, financed by the Croatian Government by donation of construction material, and in agreement with the competent Administration of the Ministry of Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction, Croats in Kostajnica were offered assistance in reconstructing housing units that were damaged during the war.

It was established that the library and lecture room require complete reconstruction, and that it may be a place where Croats will be able to nurture Croatian culture.

By visiting the Anđelić family, Croatian representatives wanted to show that victims will not be forgotten. They also examined the current situation, so that adequate resolution may be found for improving the conditions of life of this family, and informed wounded Marinko Anđelić of this.

Press releases