Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

The Republic of Croatia has joined the associated and admitting members of the European Union in supporting a demarche of the Presidency of the European Union on Iraq from 4 February 2003.

After the talks between Mr. Picula, Croatian Foreign Minister, and Mr. Jorgas Papandreu, Greek Foreign Minister, in which the Croatian Minister was informed of the demarche, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its full consent with the request of the Presidency of the EU forwarded to Iraq. Croatia is sharing the concern of the international community with regard to the Iraqi crisis, but because of its present status, it could not participate directly in the adoption of the demarche.

In the demarche forwarded by the Presidency of EU to the Iraqi mission in Athens, Brussels and New York, it has been emphasised that the deadline given by the international community to Iraq, in its resolution No. 1441, has expired, and that Iraq must accept the requests immediately and unconditionally.

The Republic of Croatia, as a UN member, considers that all countries belonging to this global organisation, are to respect its decision with a view to creating peace and stability in all parts of the world, and to advocate for peaceful resolution of any misunderstandings.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the Council of Minister of the EU on the position of the Republic of Croatia concerning this issue.

Press releases