Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Within his regular activities, Mr. Matko Županić, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Namibia, talked during the past several days with leaders of Namibia. During the reception held by Mr. Sam Nujome, the President of Namibia, the Ambassador Županić conveyed the invitation of Mr. Stjepan Mesić, the Croatian President, to visit officially Croatia during 2003, which the Namibian President accepted with pleasure.

In his meeting with Mr. Theo Ben Guriraba, the Prime Minister of Namibia, the Croatian Ambassador presented his impression after the talks with the Namibian line ministers with a special emphasis on economic relations between the two countries. Before meeting with the Prime Minister, the Ambassador Županić talked with Mr. Hidipo L. Hamuteny, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kaire Mbwende, the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Philemon N. Malima, the Minister of Development and Tourism, Mr. Berhardt M. Esauo, the Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry, as well as with the Deputy Minister of Fishing.

During the talks with Ministers and their Deputies, the focus of attention was on issues of strengthening economic cooperation between Croatia and Namibia. A conviction was expressed that the Namibian Minister, with his excellent knowledge of economic circumstances, will contribute to better economic cooperation between Croatia and Namibia.

The Ambassador Županić informed his interlocutors about the possibilities of economic cooperation between the two countries in the field of shipbuilding, pharmaceutical industry, oil and gas research, construction of industrial facilities, food industry, cooperation between universities, as well as about the possibility of investment into Croatian tourist capacities.

By visiting NAMPOWER, the largest state company for power distribution, the Ambassador Županić talked with Mr. L.S. Hagal, General Director, and his associates on the possibilities for Croatia to participate in the construction of 200 KW of pipe lines towards Angola, as well as in the reconstruction of the existing network. In this, KONČAR Transformatori d.d., whose transformers are already installed in Nambia, may offer its assistance.

The Croatian Ambassador talked the Mr. Mathew Shikongo, the mayor of the city of Windhoek, and learned about the development of the city and possibilities of connecting with the capital of Namibia, as well as with other cities. They also talked about economic cooperation, and about the construction of bus-stop shelters and stands on public areas which are manufactured in Croatia by Euromodul from Rijeka.

The Croatian Ambassador also talked with Mr. Katjavi, Head of the University, and professor Keto E. Mshigeni, Director of the Regional UNESCO project for Africa on the cooperation at university level, as well as in the field of pharmaceutical industry.

Press releases