Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, met today with Mr. Mohsen Mirdamadi, Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mirdamadi emphasised that the goal of the visit of the Iranian parliamentary delegation is the promotion of relations with the Croatian Parliament, notably the cooperation at the level of Spokesmen of the two Parliaments, two Parliamentary Foreign Policy Committees and parliamentary friendship groups.

In their talks, good political relations of the two countries were emphasised, as well as the need to advance insufficient economic cooperation. The Croatian Minister familiarised his counterpart with the intent of the Croatian Government to shortly nominate a new Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and of his intent to visit Iran soon.

Minister Picula and Mr. Mirdamadi exchanged views on the Iraqi crisis. They both share a concern over the development of the situation in the Iraqi neighbourhood, and have very similar views on the Iraqi crisis and the effects that its further development might have on international relations.

Press releases