Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

The conference of European Council Ministers titled “New Roles and Responsibilities of Culture Ministers in Initiating an Intercultural Dialogue with regard to Cultural Diversity” is to be held in Strasbourg, on 17-18 February 2003. List of 120 participants includes 30 Ministers for Culture, among which are Croatian Culture Minister Antun Vujić, Deputy Minister Naima Balić and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the European Council, Ambassador Neven Madey.

The opening of the Conference was followed by a meeting titled “Culture and Conflict” during which Deputy Secretary General of the European Council Maud de Boer-Buquicchio emphasised the visionary quality of the initiative started at the Dubrovnik meeting in 2001, and announced the Conference of European Council Ministers to be held in Opatija, 20-22 October 2003. The opening speech was delivered by Minister Vujić, who emphasised that the informal Conference of Ministers held in Dubrovnik, March 2001, tried to establish boundaries between cultural conflicts that are productive and those that may result in violence. Today's declaration which has been discussed at this Conference tries to preserve the uniqueness of different cultures and their different manifestations in the name of universal values.

The Declaration on Intercultural Dialogue and Prevention of Conflict is expected to be adopted at the Conference of European Council Ministers this October in Opatija, which will be a recognition to Minister Vujić and the Croatian Ministry of Culture.

Press releases