Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

On Wednesday, 19 February 2003, Croatian Ambassador to Australia Mladen Ibler presented before the Australian Federal Parliament the actual facts and possibilities of the development of the Croatian economy, spoke about the movement of the Croatian market and explained the possibility of Australian investment in Croatia, especially its tourism.

Speaking before the Australian Parliament, the Croatian Ambassador emphasised the trade and strategic importance of Croatia's Adriatic ports and international traffic corridors on Croatia's territory that Australia could use to transport and market its products, both internationally and on the Croatian market. Ambassador Ibler spoke at the invitation of the Australian Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defense and Economy, before which, in a brief statement, he mentioned the current Australian investment in Croatian economy, especially by Australian entrepreneurs of Croatian origin, who have already invested in Croatia, especially the Adriatic coast, and have shown interest in building golf courses.

Members of the Australian Parliament and members of the Parliamentary Committee asked ambassador Ibler about the annual number of tourists visiting Croatia, the container traffic in Rijeka port, the condition of Croatian agriculture, and Croatian legal regulations.

As expected, and according to the Croatian Embassy in Canberra, the members of the Australian Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defense and Economy will soon visit Croatia.

Press releases