Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

MFA - Press Releases

Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, held a lecture today on security aspects of foreign policy in integration processes, at the Military College in Zagreb. In his lecture, a special emphasis was given to the Iraqi crisis and its impact on international relations.

In the introductory part, Minister Picula talked of the position of the Republic of Croatia in relation to the processes of global security, and of the Croatian path to the EU and NATO.

As regards the position of the Republic of Croatia on the Iraqi crisis, Minister Picula emphasised that the argument on the necessity of taking sides with the EU or USA is not acceptable. “We do not think that the issue of taking sides is legitimate. We hope that the USA and EU will achieve necessary agreement concerning the Iraqi crisis, as constructive partnership between the EU and USA is crucial not only for the resolution of this crisis, but also for the global stability at large.”

Croatia wishes to be a responsible partner to the EU and USA, and in addition to benefits, partnership also implies commitments, Minister Picula said.

Press releases