Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Ambassador Madey handed to Mr. Walter Schwimmer the ratification of the European Social Charter...

On 26 February 2003 Permanent Representative oh the Republic of Croatia to the European Council, Ambassador Neven Madey, handed over to Secretary General of the European Council, Walter Schwimmer, the ratification document of one of the most important legal instruments, the European Social Charter, and its 3 pertaining Protocols.

The European Social Charter and its Protocols guarantee a range of basic rights pertaining to housing, health, education, employment, social protection and prohibition against discrimination. Together with the European Convention on Human Rights, the Charter covers all basic human rights, and Croatia, by joining the European Council, obliged to its adoption and ratification.

The Charter has been ratified by 26 and signed by 33 Member States of the European Council, and is a part of the EU legislation. By ratifying it, Croatia enters a group of states that take the protection of the economic and social rights of its citizens to a higher level, the implementation of which is monitored by the international monitoring system.

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