Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Ambassador Madey introduced to the Member States the candidature of the Republic of Croatia for full membership in the EU...

At the regular session of the Committee of Ministerial Representatives of the Council of Europe held on 26 February 2003, permanent representative of the Republic of Croatia, Ambassador Neven Madey, introduced to the Member States the candidature of the Republic of Croatia for full membership in the EU, handed over by Mr. Ivica Račan, the Prime Minister of the Croatian Government, on 21 February in Athens.

Greek permanent representative with the EU, Mr. Theodoracopoulos, while speaking on behalf of the Presidency of the European Union, has evaluated the Croatian request for membership as a positive event. Greek Presidency, it was said in the written declaration of Mr. Theodoracopoulos, expressed its satisfaction with the determination by which the Croatian political leadership introduced necessary institutional and economic reforms that will help Croatia to catch up the acquis communautaire and take over all commitments arising from the membership in the EU. He also emphasised that on its path, Croatia will not be alone, and that it can count on adequate assistance of the EU, as stated by Mr. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission.

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