Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

A meeting has been held involving the directors of Croatian companies operating in the Middle East....

Today, 1 April 2003, at the initiative of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a meeting has been held involving the directors of Croatian companies operating in the Middle East.

Representatives of the companies INA, INGRA, KONČAR, CROSCO, DALEKOVOD, GEOFIZIKA, HIDROELEKTRA, GORTAN, ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ, RIZ ODAŠILJAČI, CROATIA AIRLINES exchanged information with Deputy Foreign Minister Šimonović and his associates about the activities of the Croatian companies in the region, the course of the war, and the measures taken to protect Croatian citizens.

The meeting saw the exchange of opinions about the possibilities of Croatian economists and businessmen taking part in the economic reconstruction of Iraq, in view of the activities of the Croatian companies in the region so far. The meeting participants agreed that the reconstruction process would depend on the duration and outcome of military activities in Iraq. The uncertainty of the situation presents the biggest obstacle in planning any business activities, but the Croatian companies should follow their interests and be willing to take part in the post-war activities of the International Community.

Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the possibilities of settling the uncollected debts on the basis of the jobs done in Iraq, and the possibility of including economic subjects in the reconstruction of Iraq through the UN Oil-For-Food programme. Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister, Ivan Šimonović, called on all economic subjects to communicate and exchange information continually so as to ensure a more efficient role of Croatia in Iraq and the entire region.

In order to protect Croatia's interests in the region and provide better consular help to the Croatian citizens and companies there, the Croatian Government reached a decision to open Croatian embassy to Damask (Syria), headed by a honorary consul.

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