Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Picula met Mr. Michael Leigh, new Deputy Director General of the EC's External Relations Directorate...

On 27 May 2003, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, met Mr. Michael Leigh, new Deputy Director General of the EC's External Relations Directorate, in the margins of the Regional Table of the Stability Pact in Cavtat.

Mr. Leigh advised Minister Picula on the activities undertaken by the European Commission and on plans to be undertaken in relation to the avis on the Croatian candidature for full membership in the European Union. He emphasised that the Republic of Croatia will have to go through the same procedure as all other states candidates, and that the basis for drafting avis are the Copenhagen criteria supplemented with specific requests such as the cooperation with the Hague Tribunal and the return of refugees. The conclusion of the European Commission, to be expected next Spring, will be based on the individual results of the Republic of Croatia.

Minister Picula advised his interlocutor on the results that Croatia has achieved to date in fulfilling the required conditions and particularly emphasised the efforts made in the return of refugees and returnees. More than 93% of total cost of this process is financed from the Croatian budget, whereby Croatia is in the forefront in relation to other countries. He also mentioned significant results in the protection of minorities and independence of the media.

Minister Picula expressed his satisfaction that in two consecutive annual reports of the European Commission on the Stabilisation and Association Process, the Republic of Croatia has received, quite justly, the best evaluation. Good microeconomic results which are the best guarantee for further progress in full membership in the EU are encouriging.

Minister Picula and Mr. Leigh agreed that the forthcoming summit in Thessaloniki will be a significant turning point on the path of the states of South-Eastern Europe to full membership in the EU. This meeting should confirm at the highest level that all states of the Stabilisation and Association Process will become EU members when each of them fulfils membership requirements.

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