Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula received the Chairman of the Council for Ethnic Minorities, Mr. Aleksandar Tolnauer...

On 23 July 2003, Croatian Foreign Minister Tonino Picula received the Chairman of the Council for Ethnic Minorities, Mr. Aleksandar Tolnauer, and its Vice-chairman Prof. Siniša Tatalović.

They discussed matters of interest to the national minorities in the Republic of Croatia, and the organisation and activities of the Council for Ethnic Minorities. The representatives of the Council expressed their satisfaction with how the Constitutional Law on the Rights of Ethnic Minorities has been implemented so far and presented their views of the importance of the Council’s activity. Minister Picula expressed his satisfaction with the initiative of the representatives of the Council for the improvement of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and the Council for Ethnic Minorities, which will contribute to faster integration of the Republic of Croatia into the EU.

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