Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Picula expressed full support of Croatia to the USA in combating international terrorism...

Recalling the great loss suffered by the United States of America and the democratic world on 11 September 2001, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, expressed full support of the Republic of Croatia to the USA in combating international terrorism, in a letter forwarded to American State Secretary Colin L. Powell, on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the terrorist attack.

Croatia has joined the international antiterrorist coalition not only because of the feeling of solidarity with the United States, but also because it is deeply aware of the threat of terrorism to any democratic state, Minister Picula emphasised. Further, he indicated that the Republic of Croatia will continue contributing actively to eliminating global terror, and has adopted the values of the European Union and NATO.

By recalling the concrete contribution of the Republic of Croatia in international combat against terrorism, from sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan and equipment for Afghani army to the participation of the members of the Croatian Army in peace operation in Kabul, Minister Picula concluded his letter to State Secretary Powell with the following words: “We are convinced that by cooperating as partners and friends, we will be successful in achieving this important goal.”

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