Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Mr. Tonino Picula presented certificates for the completion of the 8th two-month diplomatic course

On 12 November 2003, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, presented certificates for the completion of the 8th two-month diplomatic course at the Diplomatic Academy with the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The course was successfully terminated by 32 attendants: professional diplomats and high officials form the government administration. In addition to one-year diplomatic studies, the Diplomatic Academy occasionally organises two-month courses for continual education of diplomats.

Lectures were held on the topic of current foreign policy of the Republic of Croatia, the process of European integration, international law, diplomatic practice, as well as economic and public diplomacy. Apart from experienced diplomats from the Foreign Ministry, the lectures were also given by Mr. Neven Mimica, the Croatian Minister for European Integration, Mr. Vladimir Ibler, Mr. Božo Marendić, Mr. Božidar Bakotić, and Mr. Budislav Vukas.

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