Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Alliance of Civilizations - Group of Friends Ministerial Level - 65th Session of the UN General Assembly Meeting -

Address of H. E. Mr. Gordan Jandroković, Minister of Foreign Affairs
and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia 
at the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly
ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS - Group of Friends Ministerial Level Meeting

New York, 24th September 2010

Mr. High Representative,
Dear colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honoured to take part today in this already traditional gathering, and I would like to thank Mr. Sampaio for convening this meeting in the course of the General Assembly session.

With three Forums of the Alliance of Civilizations behind us, the progress achieved is clearly visible, especially when it comes to shaping an appropriate framework to foster intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

The Alliance became a sustainable initiative that can cope with a number of challenges facing us today.

We are here to contribute to its work by sharing our good practices and our experience on a number of issues, in line with the priorities set out in the Implementation Plan for 2009-2011.

As concluded on numerous occasions, the most effective way for the AoC to act is through regional initiatives, which help to develop regional strategies and action plans.
Last December in Sarajevo such a strategy was adopted for South East European countries which was the first of its kind within the AoC initiative.

Many of the conflicts that the world is facing today arise from intercultural and inter-religious tensions.

In order to bridge them, we need to develop a better understanding of the interaction between the worlds of religion and politics.

In this respect, we support the Mediterranean regional strategy which was finalized with its members.

We are therefore looking forward to the ministerial conference in the beginning of November this year when we expect this new strategy to be approved.

It will thus enable a number of results-oriented initiatives to be carried out in the region, particularly in the Middle East.

We would like to stress once again that there needs to be a continuous effort to promote the rule of law and the protection of human rights, both on national and on international level.

This is an important prerequisite for all of us gathered here to advance the dialogue we seek to achieve.

As we all know, there are still major challenges in this regard that need to be overcome.

Croatia attaches great importance to cultural diversity, dialogue and cooperation as foundations for peace, human solidarity and social justice.

This is why we have been dedicated to those issues while being a member of a number of forums and initiatives, as well as through our recently presented AoC National Plan.

Mr. Chairman,

I would like to express satisfaction with the progress that the Alliance of Civilizations has made in the recent period, such as the launching of the International Year of Youth on Dialogue and Mutual Understanding.

Such an initiative will certainly contribute to promoting ideals of peace and solidarity across generations, cultures, religions and civilizations.

Finally, I would also like to thank the High Representative Mr. Sampaio for his enormous efforts towards the realization of AoC goals and for his result-oriented approach.

I would like to conclude by saying that Croatia stands ready to support any action within the AoC framework that is directed towards enhancing dialogue, understanding and cooperation amongst cultures and civilizations.

Thank you.