Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatian Diplomacy Day

Distinguished Nuncio
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

• I welcome you most warmly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on the occasion of our Diplomacy Day.
• On 7th June we mark the initial recognition of the Croatian state. In 879, Pope John VIII confirmed Duke Branimir as ruler of the Croatian people.
• This event has determined the further course of our history by rooting every Croatian state to follow in the western tradition.
• Recently, we have reaffirmed this fundamental orientation by achieving one of our most important foreign policy goals, namely by joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
• I avail myself of this opportunity to thank once again all Allies that have supported us in this historic, and at times, rather difficult endeavour.
• We see our NATO membership not only as a matter of national and regional security, but also as a substantial affirmation of Croatia's role in the international community.
• From a war-stricken country in need of support, Croatia has steadily developed into a stable and prosperous state.
• We committed ourselves to fundamental democratic values and succeeded in putting Croatia on the track of development, reconciliation and progress.
• We also strengthened our society and our position in the world.
• As a result of the successful completion of all these processes, Croatia was elected to the United Nations Security Council.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

• In Croatia’s striving for stability and prosperity, regional co-operation and reconciliation has become a vital constituent of our foreign policy.
• What matters most in this respect is that we have found the essential common denominator with all of our neighbours in the shared aim to join the European Union.
• This is the key element of stability in our region.
• It is – amongst others – reflected in the good will on all parts to deal with problems and issues in a peaceful manner and in the spirit of good neighbourly relations.
• As a member of NATO, and hopefully soon a member of the EU, Croatia is giving its contribution to this joint regional effort.
• It is exactly for that reason that our integration in the Euroatlantic community carries strategic importance — not only for us but also for the further promotion of stability, security and prosperity in the region as a whole.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

• Along our path to membership in the EU Croatia has invested huge efforts to reach the final stage in its accession negotiations.
• However, our good prospects have lately been seriously dimmed by practices opposite to the ideas upon which the European Union was built.
• A bilateral issue which has no connection with the European acquis and the defined content of the accession negotiations is being used to thwart Croatia's EU progress.
• This development is not only harming the European idea in Croatia, but it is also seriously weakening the European Union’s policy of stabilizing Southeast Europe and bearing negatively on the EU enlargement policy as a whole.
• Regardless of these unexpectedly encountered obstacles, Croatia will keep on pursuing its prime foreign policy goal steadily.
• We will not resign nor will we allow to be put on a hold in our endeavours to bring our accession negotiations to a successful end.
• We will invest all our efforts into the fulfilment of all remaining membership criteria’s and in reaching full preparedness for EU membership – at the latest by the end of this year.
• At the same time we know that our cooperation with the ICTY is of crucial importance.
• In recent years we have proven our full cooperation with the ICTY, when it was most relevant for the Tribunal as well as for Croatia.
• As one of the founding states of The Hague Tribunal, Croatia remains dedicated to further support the fulfilment of the Tribunals mandate.
• We are satisfied that in his latest Report to the UN Security Council the Chief Prosecutor confirmed Croatia’s overall good cooperation with the ICTY.
• However, in one single case regarding the submission of a number of requested documents, Croatia differs with the Prosecutors assessment.
• Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that – while we are waiting for a decision of the Trial Chamber on our recently submitted request – we will continue to fully cooperate with the Tribunal.
• In other words, this Government will do all what is in its power to keep Croatia on the European course.
• We know what our obligations are but we also fully adhere to the values, principles and standards of the community we want to join.
• Sometimes this is neither an easy nor a very popular task, but we are confident that the result, once achieved, will be rewarding for all: for Croatia, for our northern neighbouring country, for the European Union and for the whole of Southeast Europe.
• What would prove to be most helpful at this point would be to receive reassurance that the European Union's values, principles and standards will be applied equally to each of its current or future members.
• Therewith we are not asking for exceptional treatment.
• Quite the contrary – we are pleading for a European Union that corresponds with the vision presented ahead of the elections for the European Parliament in the ten point’s thesis paper of President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

• Let me conclude by saying that Croatia is able and willing to make an essential contribution to a strong and functional European Union.
• I am confident that in our efforts to do so we can further relay on your trust and support

Thank you for your attention!