Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

There are no disputes with Israel

Former Assistant Foreign Minister, Ivan Del Vechio, has been appointed Croatia’s ambassador to Israel. The newly-appointed ambassador is honoured to be given the opportunity to represent his country in Tel Aviv.

Ho do you perceive the relations between Croatia and Israel?
The crucial problems are the issues inherited from the past, but President Mesić last year’s visit, that was a big step forward in view of the events during the WW2, changed the situation. The situation is now getting better by the day, and there are fewer disputes. We understand each other better now, as it is clear that our policy is now openly antifascist.
What will your activities include?
First, we must improve the economic and business co-operation between our countries, in order to improve the foreign trade. There are more than 1,000 Croatia-born people in Israel, and more than 10,000 from other parts of ex-Yugoslavia. There is also the Croatian-Israeli League, I know a lot of people who are in it, so I will try to do more in that field as well. I was told about the possibility of intensifying the economic co-operation, for instance in the field of wood industry. We are currently exporting only raw materials to Israel, but that is probably going to change. Israelis have a lot of experience in water resources management and irrigation.
What Croatia’s experiences could be of use to Israel?
Our experience with reconciliation, tolerance, improving the human rights, the return of the refugees and displaced persons, and the peaceful reintegration of East Slavonia, could be of use to Israel in speeding up the peace activities in the region. Also, I am sure they could benefit from out experiences in the War for Independence as well.