Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Transatlantska večera

Address by H. E. Gordan Jandroković,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
of the Republic of Croatia 

New York, 21th September 2010



•    Sustained pressure on the Taliban has successfully denied Al Qaeda a safe-haven in Afghanistan, effectively reducing the capacity of the terrorist network to successfully operate on the global scene.

•    Nine years of our engagement has yielded significant results and has made the lives of ordinary Afghans significantly better.

•    The National GDP has risen to 15% over the last year, in the midst of the global economic crisis and eight and a half million children are attending schools--40% of them are girls.

•     There is now a clear roadmap for a conditions-based transition to an Afghan lead government, which we all expect to gain traction next year.

•    It is very encouraging to witness that the situation in most areas of governance is increasingly improving.

•    Recent political events, such as the International Conference on Afghanistan in Kabul in July, as well parliamentary elections that were held a few days ago, are clearly some of the more noted positive steps in strengthening governance. 

•    We have reason to be confident that the Afghan Government is on the right track for assuming full responsibility for the security in the country. Of course, in this regard the engagement of international partners is still of the utmost importance.  

•    Following the priorities of the ISAF mission, Croatia, for its part, is placing particular emphasis on the efforts to develop and train the Afghan security forces. We have recently increased the number of our troops, with half of our contingent now dedicated to the training of the Afghan army and the police.
Croatia and Security Policy toward South East Europe (SEE)

•    Open-door policy of NATO and the EU is no doubt one of the most successful policies of both organizations. In that regard, we wish to emphasize the importance of the SEE countries to remain very high on the enlargement agenda of NATO and the EU.

•    In order to achieve political stability in the region, Croatia recognizes the importance of maintaining the direction of B-H towards Euro-Atlantic integration. We strongly support the strategy of possible rapprochement of Serbia to Euro-Atlantic integration. In this context Croatia welcomed the admission of Montenegro and invitation to B-H in NATO’s Membership Action Plan (MAP).

•    We hope that after the scheduled parliamentary elections in October B-H will begin with the process of introducing necessary reforms and will renew its Euro-Atlantic efforts.  The territorial integrity of the country, real equality of its three constituent peoples and its Euro-Atlantic orientation enjoy Croatia’s full support.

•    Croatia will continue supporting B-H in fulfillment of necessary requirements for MAP and we regret that the opportunity for inclusion has been missed.

•    Regarding the Law on the Status of the State Property unilaterally adopted by Republika Srpska we share concern that the Law is not in conformity with the Constitution of B-H, the Dayton Agreements and that it is extremely divisive. The solution to the military and state’s property is one of the preconditions for B-H in the EU process and full participation in the MAP.

•    Kosovo remains high on the agenda of our security policy concerning SEE as one of its critical components and we are participating both in NATO (KFOR with 20 people and 2 helicopters) and the EU Mission (EULEX contributing 2 police and 3 justice officers).

•    The Kosovo Security Force has reached initial Operational Capability which is important step in much needed security burden-sharing, one of the preconditions in achieving secure, democratic, multi-ethnic and Kosovo governed by the rule of law.


•    Croatia fully supports the resolution of the UN SC 1929 as well as additional unilateral sanctions of the USA and EU and is aware of the importance of comprehensive implementation of all relevant decisions concerning Iran.

•    Croatia aligns its policy with that of the EU and USA and shares concerns with regard to the issue of the Iranian uranium enrichment process and unsuccessful IAEA efforts to stop Iran’s nuclear program.

•    The Government of Croatia is in process of implementing the measures provided in the UNSC R 1929 as well as the measures decided upon by the EU as part of our common foreign and security policy endeavor.
•    Croatia is of the view that every country has a right to use the atomic energy for peaceful purposes, but under absolute transparency and in strict respect of the Non Proliferation Treaty and IAEA safeguards. Iran still has to prove to the international community that its nuclear program is not intended for proliferation of sensitive nuclear activities and for military purposes.

•    Iranian nuclear ambitions are threatening stability of the Middle East and the ongoing peace talks.

•    A solution to the Iranian nuclear issue would contribute to global non-proliferation efforts and to realizing the objective of a Middle East free of the weapons of mass destruction. It is important that in the overall climate of increased confidence created by the START agreement, the holding of the Nuclear Summit and the modest success of the NPT Conference, Iran understands that we speak with a more unified voice than ever.

Middle East Peace Process

•    Croatia welcomes the launch of direct talks between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority on September 2nd in Washington. We hope that they will resolve all final status issues (borders of the Palestinian state, status of Jerusalem and of Palestinian refugees) and lead to a two-state solution with the State of Israel and a viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security .

•    Croatia also supports the sustained efforts and leadership of the Obama Administration aimed at reaching peace in the Middle East. Madame Secretary your personal engagement, the ongoing dedication of your team and particularly Special Envoy Mitchell deserve our praise and congratulations. 

•    As an EU candidate country, Croatia aligns its positions regarding Middle East issues with the EU and joins EU Presidency declarations dealing with the ME.

•    Croatia contributes, to the best of its abilities to the entire Middle East Peace Process. As you may know we currently have 95 troops in the UNDOF mission on the Golan Heights as well as one officer in UNIFIL mission in Lebanon.

•    Croatia wishes to see a lasting and just solution coming out of this process:  one that will ensure the right of the people of Israel and the Palestine to live together in peace and security in a two state solution. There appears to be genuine momentum and we must continue to seize this opportunity.

•    I would like to stress that Croatia’s ongoing high level political dialogue (visits by FMs and visit of President Peres to Croatia), both political and economic with the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority will continue with Prime Minister Kosor’s reciprocal visit to Prime Minister Netanyahu, anticipated in November of this year.