Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Israeli appreciation and deep gratitude to the Croatian fire fighters forces

A farewell ceremony for the international delegations which contributed in battling the forest fires in the central and northern Israel last week took place on 29 November 2016 in the Hatzor air force base in Israel. The Croatian fire fighters who helped in battling the fires attended the ceremony. In addition, one Croatian plane Canadair was on display during the ceremony. Tina Krce, chargée d"affaires a.i., and Marina šutalo, first secretary, from the Croatian Embassy in Israel also attended the event. The Israeli Minister of Public Security Erdan emphasised that all present have been true friends of Israel and their fire fighters have shown a true spirit of their nations. In the message of the Prime Minister Netanyahu, read to the audience, it was stressed that all Israelis owe a deep gratitude and appreciation to all who contributed in extinguishing the fires and in that way coming together from all sides united in solidarity shown the best of humanity. Alongside Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, France, Turkey, Russian Federation, USA, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Egypt and Palestinian Authority, also helped Israel.

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