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Koncert Zagrebackog kvarteta u Montrealu

The Zagreb Guitar Quartet performed their first concert of the Canadian tour on January 16th 2007 in Montreal. A series of performances are organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ottawa to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia. The concert performed in front of 160 poeple at the auditorium of the historical building ‘Chapelle du bon Pasteur'...

The Zagreb Guitar Quartet performed their first concert of the Canadian tour on January 16th 2007 in Montreal. A series of performances are organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ottawa to mark the fifteenth anniversary of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia. The concert performed in front of 160 poeple at the auditorium of the historical building ‘Chapelle du bon Pasteur'. Among the guests were representatives from the City of Montreal, Ministry of Culture of Quebec, Croatian institutions and associations (Croatian Parish Saint Nikola Tavelic, AMCA Quebec association, Canadian-Croatian Congress Quebec), members of the Consular Diplomatic Corps in Montreal, as well as other members from the cultural, academic and business communities. The quartet delighted the audience by performing a selection from world classics (J.S. Bach, J. Turina), Croatian contemporary composers (T. Uhlik, M. Miletic i A. Markovic), Canadian composer of jazz classic (O. Peterson) and a set of traditional Jewish songs. At the beginning of the concert and during intermission the audience visited the adjoining art gallery of the ‘Chapelle du Bon Pasteur' for a photography exhibit ‘Undiscovered Croatia' by a leading Croatian art photographer, Mr. Ivo Prvan. Jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affaires and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Embassy in Ottawa, the exhibit has been displayed in various Canadian cities. The Ambassador Vesela Mrden Korac dedicated her welcome speech to the historical moments that led to the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia and looked at the imminent foreign policy goals of our country. The Ambassador emphasized the importance of promoting Croatian culture in Canada, aimed at reaching a positive image for Croatia, as she thanked the Croatian Community for their consistent support of the Embassy's efforts in promoting Croatian projects. The Zagreb Guitar Quartet will perform on Wednesday January 17th, 2007 in Ottawa for members of the Canadian government, diplomatic corps and the Croatian community in Ottawa. The Canadian tour is jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Foreign Affaires and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Embassy in Ottawa and the Croatian General Consulate in Mississauga. The Honorary Consulate of Montreal, with the help of AMCA Quebec, assisted in the event in Montreal.

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