Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Dan neovisnosti RH

Obilježen Dan neovisnosti RH u Parlamentu Kanade, 7. listopada 2009.g. U Parlamentu Kanade obilježen je Dan neovisnosti RH. Parlamentarni tajnik ministra vanjskih poslova Kanade g. Deepak Obhrai i državna ministrica za gospodarsku diverzifikaciju zapadnih provincija Lynne Yelich, cestitali su hrvatski blagdan veleposlanici Mrden Korac. U nastavku teksta priopcenja parlamentarnog tajnika Obhraia, koji donosimo u izvornom obliku u dodatku, isticu se izvrsni bilateralni odnosi izmedu Kanade i RH te interes Kanade za daljnim znacajnim produbljenjem suradnje dviju država.

For Immediate Release October 07, 2009 Parliamentary Secretary Obhrai Celebrates Croatia's Day of Independence (Ottawa) Deepak Obhrai, M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by Lynne Yelich, M.P. and Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification), congratulated the Croatian Ambassador to Canada, Vesela Mrden Korac, on the occasion of Croatia's Independence Day. The decision of the Croatian Parliament on declaring independence came into force on October 8, 1991 based on a referendum held in Croatia in May 1991. “The Government of Canada highly values the excellent bilateral relationship that exists between our two countries”, stated PS Obhrai. “I am delighted to join with my colleague, Lynne Yelich, and Ambassador Korac in marking Croatia's Independence Day, and look forward to furthering Canada's meaningful relationship with Croatia. Since 2006, there have been a high level of exchanges between Canada and Croatia. Ministers Peter MacKay, , Jason Kenney, Speaker of the Senate Noel Kinsella, former Minister Maxime Bernier, and Parliamentary Secretary Gerald Keddy visited Croatia. PS Obhrai also travelled to Croatia in 2007 and in 2008 to discuss strengthening economic cooperation, Canada's strong support for Croatia's NATO membership, and other areas of bilateral cooperation. The Government of Canada lifted visa restrictions on Croatian nationals in 2009. Various high level Croatian delegations have also visited Canada, including Croatia's Defence Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Minister of Agriculture, and the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament. For Further Information, contact Ashley McArthur (613) 947-4566
