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President Mesic in Golan

Croatian President Stjepan Mesic started his visit to Croatian soldiers serving in the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) mission in camp Faouar in the Golan Heights by reviewing soldiers serving in the mission, who lined up in his honour.

Croatian President Stjepan Mesic started his visit to Croatian soldiers serving in the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) mission in camp Faouar in the Golan Heights by reviewing soldiers serving in the mission, who lined up in his honour. After the Croatian national anthem was played, President Mesic performed a review of Croatian, Austrian, Indian, Japanese, Polish and Canadian troops in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Croatian Armed Forces. President Mesic saw a presentation on the UNDOF mission, which was established in 1974 by a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution determined a separation line between Israel and Syria following the Yom Kippur War in 1973. In March this year, the Croatian parliament approved the sending of Croatian troops to the Golan Heights, and the first company of soldiers left the country in June. The second company was sent to replace the first one in early December. Croatian soldiers are serving in the mission as part of an Austrian battalion. The UN mission in the Golan Heights is a mission of moderate risk, since there have been no conflicts in the area for some time. President Mesic attended Christmas Eve Mass served for the Croatian contingent at Faouar.

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