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Croatian delegation to the AU summit in Accra

Pursuing its dedication to the African issues, the delegation of the Republic of Croatia was - as an observer – for the first time present to one African Union meeting - the 9th Ordinary Session of the African Union held in Accra, Ghana, from 1st to 3rd July 2007. Croatian delegation to the Summit was lead by Mr. Budimir Loncar, the President's special envoy to the Summit and Ambassador Drazen Margeta, the Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the African Union.

Pursuing its dedication to the African issues, the delegation of the Republic of Croatia was - as an observer – for the first time present to one African Union meeting - the 9th Ordinary Session of the African Union held in Accra, Ghana, from 1st to 3rd July 2007. Croatian delegation to the Summit was lead by Mr. Budimir Loncar, the President's special envoy to the Summit and Ambassador Drazen Margeta, the Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the African Union. The Accra Summit agreed to accelerate the economic and political integration of the African continent, including the formation of a Union Government for Africa with the ultimate objective of creating the United States of Africa. It was also agreed to rationalize and strengthen the Regional Economic Communities aiming to lead to the creation of an African Common Market. The Croatian delegation held a number of bilateral meetings with the AU member countries at the sidelines of the Summit. Ways of improving bilateral cooperation has been discussed as well as Croatia's candidature for the non-permanent seat to the United Nations Security Council in the period 2008 – 2009.

Press releases