Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatian movies at Stockholm Film Festival

This year’s programme of Stockholm Film Festival will host two Croatian movies. On the Other Side by Zrinko Ogresta and Quit Staring at My Plate by Hana JuĊĦic will represent Croatian movie production. The screenings for On the Other Side are as follows: November 9th, 16:30 at Grand November 11th, 20:15 at Victoria (with the presence of the author) November 19th, 17:30 at Zita The screenings for Quit Staring at My Plate are as follows: November 14th, 11:30 at Klarabiografen November 15th, 14:00 at Skandia November 17th, 19:30 at Klarabiografen (with the presence of the author). Further information on locations and ticket prices can be found on the following links: We will be pleased to have you with us on these occasions.

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