Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Representatives of the Croatian USKOK visiting Albania

In the framework of the EU project EURALIUS IV, the Director of the Croatian Office for Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime (USKOK), Tamara Laptoš, and deputy directors Marija Vucko and Nataša ?urovic paid a three-day visit to Albania end of March. The purpose of the visit was the transfer of USKOK’s know-how and experience to Albanian prosecutors. The lectures were held in Tirana and Vlora. The USKOK representatives also paid a visit to the Croatian Embassy in Tirana, accompanied by Koraljka Bumci, an USKOK judge with long-term engagement in EURALIUS IV, and were received by Ambassador Sanja Bujas-Juraga. The Ambassador expressed satisfaction with the fact that Croatian experts were engaged to help educate Albanian colleagues for the fight against corruption and organised crime. Ambassador Bujas-Juraga also said she was pleased with the overall contribution to the Albanian judicial reform through EURALIUS and other EU projects.

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