Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Debate: Rule of Law in the European Union, the Croatian example

Debate: Rule of Law in the European Union, the Croatian example Croatia is set to become the 28th member state of the European Union on July 1st 2013. On Thursday, April 4th 2013, ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in The Hague organise a debate on the Croatian accession to the European Union. The debate starts at 17.00 hours. Admission is free.

Debate: Rule of Law in the European Union, the Croatian example Croatia is set to become the 28th member state of the European Union on July 1st 2013. On Thursday, April 4th 2013, ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in The Hague organise a debate on the Croatian accession to the European Union. The debate starts at 17.00 hours. Admission is free. Speakers: Prof. Dr. Josip Kregar, Chair of the Judiciary Committee of the Croatian Parliament, independent MP, the first President of Transparency International Croatia (1998-2003) Mr. Michiel Servaes, Spokesperson of the Labour Party (PvdA) for European affairs, Member of the Dutch House of Representatives Prof. Dr. Jaap de Zwaan, Professor of European Union Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Lector European Integration at The Hague University of Applied Sciences Practical information: The debate will be in English Thursday April 4th 2013 from 17.00 hours (you're welcome from 16.30 hours) to 19.00 hours, with a small reception ProDemos, Hofweg 1H, The Hague Admission is free Please let us know if you are coming by sending an e-mail to:
