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UN Security Council Debate on Kosovo

H.E. Neven Jurica, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations, gave a statement on Security Council Debate on Kosovo.

Mr. President, I would like to welcome Mr. Secretary General and thank him for presenting his report. Allow me also to welcome His Excellency President Boris Tadic of the Republic of Serbia and His Excellency President Fatmir Sejdiu of the Republic of Kosovo. On June 15, a Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo came into force and we congratulate the people of Kosovo on adopting one of the most progressive constitutions; one that contains the highest internationally recognized human rights protection mechanisms and includes the European best practices of multiethnic protection. The Constitution's adoption and coming into force reaffirmed Kosovo as a true country in Europe and Kosovo as a truly European country. We hope that the Constitution's implementation and the adherence to its most advanced provisions will be a constant affirmation of this. After long lasting hardship and a nine-year old United Nation's interim administration in Kosovo, we wish the people of Kosovo every success in administering their own lives; we wish them stability, security and prosperity as well as an integration into the United Nations in due time, other international fora, and, naturally, into the Euro-Atlantic integrations. We reiterated repeatedly our strong conviction that all countries of Southeastern Europe belong to the European and Euro-Atlantic family, and we stand ready to offer them our experience and know-how along their path. However, Mr. President, the entry into force of Kosovo Constitution effectively removed from UNMIK its powers as interim civil administration in Kosovo it held up to June 15, 2008, and that is the main reason we are gathered in these Chambers today. Since 1999, the United Nations through its UNMIK presence in Kosovo was very successful in administering Kosovo for the benefit of its inhabitants. We would like to use this opportunity to congratulate everyone who was a part of this effort and who put their energy into building something that today we can claim to be an overwhelmingly positive UN legacy in Kosovo. In this context let me underline the role the outgoing Special Representative Joachim Rücker played in Kosovo and allow me to thank him for his work. Mr. President, we commend the work of the Secretary General and the Secretariat, for displaying leadership and especially for bringing all the sides together in order to find solutions that not everyone supports fully, but can live with, all in line with UN's status-neutral authority and resolution 1244. We applaud Secretary General's vision of not stopping the river of history from flowing, while addressing major worries of the concerned. We support fully the plan he presented in his report, within the framework of resolution 1244 that enabled him to do so. The new reality in Kosovo and its future is clear. We welcome the readiness of UN to carry out it residual tasks in Kosovo, and offer our support to European Union, that expressed its readiness to play an enhanced role in the area of rule of law through its EULEX mission. EULEX's prompt and full establishment in the entire territory of Kosovo is the best guarantee of the preservation of the successful UN legacy in Kosovo. Finally, Mr. President, we call upon the authorities both in Belgrade in Priština, and even more importantly, all citizens of Kosovo – regardless of their ethnicity – to continue cooperating with the United Nations and European Union in order to ensure the continued stability and security of Kosovo, neighboring countries and the region. This is crucial if we are to see the rest of the Southeastern Europe fully integrated into a stable and prosperous European future. Thank you, Mr. President.

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