Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

UN Security Council closed meeting on Georgia/South Ossetia

Ministar savjetnik RH pri Ujedinjenim narodima Vice Skracic održao je govor na zatvorenom sastanku Vijeca sigurnosti UN-a u svezi situacije u Gruziji/Južnoj Osetiji.

My Delegation has in previous meetings of the Council made clear its position with regard to this ongoing conflict, so I will limit myself to a few points. In short, we seem to have arrived at a crossroads with regard to the situation in Georgia. Croatia is not only extremely concerned about recent developments and the continuation of hostilities throughout Georgia – in both the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions of that state – but is also very concerned now with the shifting of the conflict into Georgia proper. There seems to be a fundamental transformation of the character of the conflict, as reports of Russian troops advancing well into areas of Georgia not related to the above mentioned two conflict zones, can very well be interpreted as a turnaround in Russia's role as a peacekeeper. Croatia reiterates once again its calls on all sides involved in the Georgian conflict zones to agree to an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and engage in serious political and diplomatic efforts. We call for a return to the situation as of August 6 before the hostilities and call on Russia to withdraw the troops that have engaged Georgian forces since August 6 from Georgian territory. There cannot be any justification for further incursions by Russian forces into Georgian territory or prolonging their presence in towns outside the South Ossetian or Abkhaz regions of Georgia, especially as it is our understanding that Georgian forces have withdrawn from South Ossetia, a demand that has long been made by the Russian side, not have Georgian forces been reinforced on mass in the Abkhazia region. We believe that the time has come for the Georgian and Russian leadership to turn down belligerent rhetoric and the mutual exchange of accusations and incriminations, and rather look towards creating an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual understanding. Media reports also talk about a worsening humanitarian situation in Georgia, including with regard to the plight of refugees and the displaced, and this should be first and foremost in the minds of leaders as they look towards resolving their differences. Mr. President, Croatia fully supports and endorses the peace initiative being undertaken by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb. We welcome the fact that Georgian President Saakahvilli has signed an internationally brokered cease-fire proposal presented by the Ministers, and hope that Russia's leadership will be able to follow suit as soon as possible. Moreover, Croatia will also add its support to the French proposal for the adoption of a resolution by the Security Council on the situation in Georgia, as the primary tenants of the draft coincide with the efforts of the joint EU-OSCE Mission to Georgia and Russia, led by the above mentioned two foreign ministers. Thank you, Mr. President.
