In the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, these days ended a three-week intensive computer course, which, in addition to their regular tasks, was carried out by members of 17th Croatian contingent (HRVCON) for the Afghan National Army in the Regional Command North in Mazar-e-Sharif.
In the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, these days ended a three-week intensive computer course, which, in addition to their regular tasks, was carried out by members of 17th Croatian contingent (HRVCON) for the Afghan National Army in the Regional Command North in Mazar-e-Sharif.
This is the first course of this type which was conducted by members of the Croatian Armed Forces at Camp Shaheen, and it has been successfully completed by the thirteen members of the Afghan National Army. Computer course is consisting of five modules that are related to the use of Microsoft Office.
The course is designed as a practical contribution to training of the Afghan National Army or as a contribution to raising the level of IT knowledge. It is tailored to the needs of ANA members, from the theoretical part of the course, to the practical part, which covers the basics, from computer assembly to solving complex tasks. The curriculum of the course was designed by members of the 5th Garrison OMLT (Operational Mentor and Liaison Team) component of the 17th HRVCON ISAF.
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