Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

PM Kosor met US president Obama

There are no old and new members of NATO, all of us are NATO, all of us have equal rights, U.S. President Barack Obama said at a dinner he hosted for 11 Central and Eastern European leaders in Prague on Thursday, Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said.

PRAGUE, April 9 (Hina) - There are no old and new members of NATO, all of us are NATO, all of us have equal rights, U.S. President Barack Obama said at a dinner he hosted for 11 Central and Eastern European leaders in Prague on Thursday, Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said. The talks at the dinner focused on global and European security issues and Obama informed his guests of a new nuclear arms reduction treaty as a guarantee for general peace, which he signed with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev, PM Kosor told reporters at the Croatian Embassy in Prague. Each of Obama"s 11 guests were given time to present their points of view, and Croatia spoke as a proud and worthy member of NATO, which is meeting is membership obligations, including the participation in the NATO mission in Afghanistan, PM Kosor said. Obama said he counted on the support and further cooperation of all those present. Kosor voiced support to Bosnia-Herzegovina, adding that Croatia wanted to see Bosnia as a country in which all three peoples had equal rights. She also said she wanted to see Bosnia meet NATO requirements as soon as possible, namely she wanted to see Sarajevo carry out reforms necessary for receiving the Membership Action Plan (MAP). She also underlined the signing of an arbitration regulating the border issue between Croatia and Slovenia. Many guests at the dinner said they wanted to see Croatia join the European Union as soon as possible, Kosor told reporters. Obama hosted the dinner at the residence of the U.S. Ambassador and invited the heads of state or governments of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. He welcomed and greeted every guest individually. Obama told Kosor he was aware of the large Croat community living in Chicago. Kosor invited Obama to visit the Adriatic coast. source:

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