Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Co-operation in the field of Culture and Education

Co-operation between Croatia and Turkey in the field of education is realized by student and researcher exchange. Scholarships for Croatian nationals are assigned on the basis of public bidding which is published by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport every year in April. Annually there are up to 20 scholarships assigned for summer course of Turkish language. The scholarship bidding is assigned by the Turkology department at the Philosophy Faculty in Zagreb. Two scientific research and two doctoral scholarships are assigned annually for all areas (except medicine that is excluded from the doctoral scholarship) lasting for 2 years in periods of 8 months. If necessary this scholarships include studying of Turkish language for a period of 1 year. In the last few years Croatian culture scene was represented in Turkey through Croatian artists that participated in international cultural and artistic manifestations as International exhibition of caricatures in Ankara, Film festival in Ankara and Istanbul, Istanbul Biennale, and International festival of folklore in Antalya. Regarding the further development of co-operation between our two countries in the fields of science and education options have been opened for co-operation between Universities (Zagreb University and Hacettepe University in Ankara), opening of the Croatian language lectorate at Trakya University in Edirne, co-operation between archives (the protocol on cooperation between the archives was signed in 2008).

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