Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Introductory word

Willkommen auf der Website der Botschaft der Republik Kroatien in Wien!
Die folgenden Seiten informieren Sie über die intensiven und  freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen der Republik Kroatien und der Republik Österreich.

Welcome to the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the State of Israel. Shalom!

With this website, the Embassy would like to provide to you first info on the areas of our activities, with special emphasis on consular info and contacts, for your potential questions related to the Croatian regulations or possibilities of cooperation between Republic of Croatia and the State of Israel.

Besides this website, you can find certain info on our activities also on following platforms:,Kroatia%20be%20Israel,of%20the%20Republic%20of%20Croatia%20to%20the%20State%20of%20Israel,-Government%20Relations%20Services