Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Overview of Bilateral Treaties of the Republic of Croatia by Country

Collection of International Treaties

List of international treaties and international acts concluded between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Name of treaty/actDate of conclusionProvisional applicationPublished in NN-MUDate of entry into forcePublication of the date of entry into forceTermination
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the reconstruction of the Gunja (RH) - Brčko (BiH) Bridge on DC 214 (RH)/M14.1 (BiH)12.09.2023.1/202406.04.2024.2/2024
Addendum to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on maintenance and reconstruction of road bridges on the state border21.03.2023.1/202406.04.2024.4/2024
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, Customs Administration and the Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Electronic Exchange of Data09.12.2022.09.12.2022.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, Customs Administration and the Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Mutual Exchange of Data and Information09.02.2022.09.02.2022.
Agreement between the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia on cooperation in the field of data exchange and the measurement of the high accuracy levelling17.09.2021.17.09.2021.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on maintenance and reconstruction of road bridges on the state border29.09.2020.6/202130.10.2021.9/2021
Rules of Procedure between the Ministry of Croatian Veterans of the Republic of Croatia and the Missing Persons Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Implementation of the Protocol on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Searching for Missing Persons30.07.2019.30.07.2019.
Agreement on cooperation in the field of emergency medicine between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Ministry of Health of Bosnia and Herzegovina05.06.2019.05.06.2019.
Memorandum of Understanding between the State Office for Metrology of the Republic of Croatia and the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina on cooperation in the field of metrology26.04.2018.26.04.2018.26.04.2023.
Protocol on Cooperation in the implementation of the project of “Natural Gas Supply to the End Customer - Oil Refinery Brod (RNB) by the supplier CRODUX PLIN d.o.o. through direct connection of the RNB to the gas transport system of the Republic of Croatia at MRS Slobodnica, converting the existing Slobodnica-Brod product pipeline into a direct gas pipeline to be used solely for supplying natural gas to RNB"31.10.2017.31.10.2017.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in the Field of Youth07.07.2017.07.07.2017.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on European Partnership07.07.2017.4/201809.07.2018.6/2018
Protocol on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Searching for Missing Persons07.07.2017.1/201830.05.2018.4/2018
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism07.07.2017.7/202329.06.2023.8/2023
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Mutual Protection of Classified Information07.07.2017.1/201804.05.2018.3/2018
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development27.04.2016.4/201624.03.2017.3/2017
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on rules and regulations of using water from public water supply systems cut by the state border 06.07.2015.06.07.2015.6/201509.02.2016.1/2016
Protocol between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina on cooperation during tourist season30.06.2015.30.06.2015.
Agreement on cooperation in certifying the Air Traffic Services Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina08.09.2014.08.09.2014.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency and Directorate of Civil Aviation of Bosnia and Herzegovina25.04.2014.25.04.2014.
Rules of Procedure of the Joint Contact Centre at the Nova Sela – Bijača border crossing09.04.2014.09.04.2014.
Protocol on Cooperation in the Field of Medicine and Medicinal Products13.01.2014.13.01.2014.
Memorandum of Agreement between the State Office for Metrology of the Republic of Croatia and the Metrology Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in Metrology 10.12.2013.10.12.2013.
Protocol on the Means of Information and Data Exchange between the State Regulatory Agency for Radiological and Nuclear Safety of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the State Office for Radiological and Nuclear Safety of the Republic of Croatia09.07.2013.09.07.2013.
Joint Statement on Interpretation and Application of Article 11 of the Agreement on Free Transit through the territory of the Republic of Croatia to and from the Port of Ploče and through the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina at Neum19.06.2013.19.06.2013.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Border Crossing Points19.06.2013.19.06.2013.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Local Border Traffic19.06.2013.01.07.2013.
Protocol between the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Croatia and the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in Prosecution of Perpetrators of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide03.06.2013.03.06.2013.
Protocol between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, General Police Directorate and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Border Police on the Establishment of the Joint Contact Centre at the Nova Sela - Bijača Border Crossing15.03.2013.15.03.2013.
Additional Protocol between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Amendments to the Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments12.03.2013.5/201309.11.2013.11/2013
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Extradition28.11.2012.28.11.2012.1/201406.03.2014.3/2014
Agreement between the Office of the National Security Council of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sector for the Protection of Classified Information, on the exchange and protection of classified information22.11.2012.29.11.2012.
Agreement between the Office of the National Security Council of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sector for the Protection of Classified Information, on the exchange and protection of classified information22.11.2012.29.11.2012.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning cooperation in the field of defence16.05.2012.8/201217.12.2013.5/2020
Memorandum between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Ministry of Health of Bosnia and Herzegovina on health cooperation27.12.2011.27.12.2011.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the construction of interstate bridge over the Sava River near Gradiška and the adjoining cross-border sections of interstate E-66103.11.2011.3/201227.05.2012.5/2012
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the construction of southern cross-border sections of Vc corridor03.11.2011.
Memorandum on Cooperation between the Commission for the Identification of the Conflict of Interest of the Republic of Croatia and the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina26.07.2011.26.07.2011.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on extradition and reception of persons of illegal entry or stay11.03.2011.11/201101.02.2012.3/2012
Protocol between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on extradition and reception of persons of illegal entry or stay11.03.2011.01.02.2012.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the construction of a cross-border bridge over the Sava River near Svilaj and the adjoining motorway sections along the Vc corridor01.12.2010.4/2011 26.11.2011.16/2011
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on drawing up, financing, estimating the environmental impact, obtaining location permits, consent and construction permits for the project “Reconstruction and Modernization of the Sava River Waterway from Račinovci to Sisak”01.12.2010.01.12.2010.5/201311.09.2013.9/2013
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers on Fighting Cross-Border Crime17.09.2010.17.09.2010.4/201128.01.2012.3/2012
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Amendments to the Agreement on Mutual Execution of Court Rulings in Criminal Matters10.02.2010.10.02.2010.3/201018.09.2010.6/2010
Joint Statement on the construction of an interstate bridge over the River Sava on the Vc corridor highway near Svilaj 22.09.2008.
Protocol on Co-operation between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina23.07.2008.23.07.2008.
Protocol between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Border Police and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Police Directorate on Establishing Joint Crime-Fighting Groups06.06.2008.06.06.2008.26.01.2009.
Protocol between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Border Police and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Police Directorate on Official Transit over the National Territory of the Other Signatory Party for the Purposes of Acting on Their Own National Territory 06.06.2008.06.06.2008.26.01.2009.
Protocol between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Border Police and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Police Directorate on Mixed Patrols along the Joint State Border06.06.2008.06.06.2008.26.01.2009.
Protocol between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Border Police and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Police Directorate on Deployment of Liaison Officers06.06.2008.06.06.2008.26.01.2009.
Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development of the Republic of Croatia15.05.2007.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on Dual Citizenship29.03.2007.9/200728.02.2012.3/2012
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in State Border Control29.03.2007.10/200716.12.2007.1/2008
Standard operative procedure between the Croatian State Directorate for Protection and Rescue and the BH ministry of Security on offering cross-border assistance in open space fire fighting 22.02.2006.22.02.2006.
Agreement between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the co-operation in the right of the BH war victims that were members of the Croatian Defence Council and their families23.12.2005.NN/MU 2/200601.07.2006.6/2006
Memorandum of Understanding between the Anti-Money Laundering Office of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, State Investigation and Protection Agency, Financial Intelligence Department, on cooperation and assistance in information exchange pertaining to money laundering discovery and prevention and the prevention of terrorist financing11.03.2005.11.03.2005.
Minutes from the 4th session of the Joint Committee for the Implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, held 22 February 200522.02.2005.
Protocol on the agreement in realising the mutual co-operation in fighting all forms of capital crime signed between the General Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia and the State Prosecutor's Office the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina21.01.2005.21.01.2005.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on veterinary co-operation21.07.2004.21.07.2004.01.07.2013.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on joint financing of the maintenance of the regional drainage system Komarna - Neum - Mljetski Canal21.07.2004.21.07.2004.8/200704.09.2007.9/2007
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the avoidance of double taxation on income and property07.06.2004.2/200522.06.2005.11/2005
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the amendment to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the mutual execution of court rulings in criminal issues 07.06.2004.07.06.2004.3/201008.07.2010.6/2010
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the inland waterways traffic, marking and preservation20.02.2004.20.02.2004.9/200906.11.2009.13/2009
Protocol on Cooperation in the Process of European Integration between Ministry for European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and Directorate of European Integration of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina05.12.2003.05.12.2003.
Annex IV to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Ličko Petrovo Selo-Izačić05.12.2003.05.12.2003.
Annex V to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Maljevac-Velika Kladuša05.12.2003.05.12.2003.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the mutual abolition of visa requirements05.12.2003.05.12.2003.2/200408.01.2006.3/200618.08.2013.
Protocol on the establishment of tri-border points between the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia and Montenegro02.10.2003.02.10.2003.
Memorandum between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of the Republic Macedonia, the Government of Serbia and Montenegro, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the Settlement of Mutual Financial Claims Related to Settlements of Accounts Under the Commodity Exchange between the Former USSR and the Former SFRY17.09.2003.17.09.2003.5/200520.01.2006.3/2006
Memorandum on Cooperation on the Neretva river delta between Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Principality of Monaco the MedWet Coordination Unit06.06.2003.
Joint Statement regarding the implementation of the Agreement on Border Traffic and Cooperation between Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanić and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Croatia Tonino Picula, on the occasion of signing the Agreement on Border Traffic and Cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia05.03.2003.
Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on border traffic and Co-operation05.03.2003.3/200520.04.2006.4/200601.07.2013.
Annex II to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Metković-Doljani05.03.2003.05.03.2003.
Annex III to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Klek-Neum I05.03.2003.05.03.2003.
Annex IV to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Zaton Doli-Neum I05.03.2003.05.03.2003.01.07.2004.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on scientific and technological co-operation18.12.2002.10/200307.01.2011.1/2011
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on cultural, educational and sport co-operation18.12.2002.10/200307.01.2011.1/2011
Annex to the Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on mutual locations at border crossings regarding the zone of mutual locations at the border crossing Hrvatska Kostajnica-Bosanska/Srpska Kostajnica26.08.2002.26.08.2002.
Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on modifications to the Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina on stimulation and mutual protection of investments23.07.2002.13/200203.01.2005.2/2005
Joint statement of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of the Republic of Croatia and President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia15.07.2002.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on modifying the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on legal assistance in civil and criminal matters17.06.2002.17.06.2002.05/200308.02.2006.4/2008
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Minsiters of Bosnia and Herzegovina on co-operation in the battle against terrorism, smuggling and abuse of drugs, and organised crime17.06.2002.17.06.2002.05/200317.09.2010.
Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on common border crossing locations17.06.2002.17.06.2002.7/200410.02.2011.1/2011
Protocol on assistance of housing concerns for victims of the Patriotic War in Bosnia and Herzegovina between the Ministry for Croatian Veterans from the Patriotic War of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina22.12.2001.22.12.2001.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the return of refugees from the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina11.12.2001.6/201101.07.2011.8/2011
Annex to the Treaty on the determination of border crossings between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina11.12.2001.11.12.2001.15/200229.01.2003.6/200319.06.2013.
Protocol on the categorization of border crossings between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina11.12.2001.11.12.2001.19.06.2013.
Protocol between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the free and undisturbed passage of traffic in transit through the Neum corridor11.12.2001.11.12.2001.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the reconstruction and construction of damaged and destroyed family houses by allocating construction materials in Bosnia and Herzegovina21.11.2001.21.11.2001.5/2002
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on cooperation in protection from natural and civil disasters01.06.2001.01.06.2001.02/200218.02.2002.13/2011
Treaty on the determination of border crossings between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina06.04.2001.06.04.2001.15/200229.01.2003.6/200319.06.2013.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the means of utilization and maintenance of rail tracks between Bihać - Knin and the supervision by foreign state border bodies26.01.2001.26.01.2001.04/200108.11.2001.3/2008
Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina19.12.2000.01.01.2001.09/200101.02.2005.2/200522.11.2007.
Treaty on social insurance between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina04.10.2000.03/200101.11.2001.14/2001
Administrative agreement on the implementation of the Treaty on social insurance between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina04.10.2000.02/200201.11.2001.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on cooperation on the extradition and acceptance of persons whose residence is illegal, with Annex27.07.2000.27.07.2000.6/200110.02.2011.1/201101.02.2012.
Protocol on cooperation between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina27.07.2000.27.07.2000.
Treaty between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs issues27.07.2000.04/200101.07.2002.1/2008
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the restoration of border rail transport24.03.2000.08/200001.02.2001.02/01
Treaty on the state border between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina30.07.1999.30.07.1999.
Annex for the implementation of cooperation in the areas of science, technology and higher education with the Agreement on special relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina15.06.1999.
Annex on tourism cooperation alongside the Agreement on special relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina15.06.1999.
Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation between the Commision for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees and the Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and on the Conditions for the Collecting Claims for Real Property in Bosnia and Herzegovina Submitted in the Republic of Croatia21.12.1998.21.12.1998.
Agreement on free transit through the territory of the Republic of Croatia, to and from the Port of Ploče and through the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina at Neum22.11.1998.22.11.1998.
Agreement on special relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina22.11.1998.22.11.1998.4/1999
Protocol on the establishment of navigation in the internal navigational passage of the Sava River and its tributaries between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina16.10.1998.15.11.1998.06.11.2009.
Addendum 2 to the Memorandum of Understanding for the joint renewal of transport connections between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina16.10.1998.16.10.1998.
Agreement on the establishment of an Inter-State Council for cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina30.03.1998.09/9825.09.1998.13/98
Interim agreement on the establishment of air transport in the air space over Bosnia and Herzegovina for Belgrade and Zagreb05.03.1997.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Republic of Croatia regarding economic recovery and infrastructure development in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia11.07.1996.
Protocol on the temporary application of the Treaty on the abolition of visa requirements11.07.1996.22.07.1996.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the establishment of water management relations11.07.1996.12/9631.01.1997.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States, the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Republic of Croatia regarding U.S Trade and Development Agency Assistance for the Development of Intermodal Cargo Facilities for the Port of Ploce and Sarajevo11.07.1996.
Treaty on the implementation of the Agreement which secures the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina access to the Adriatic Sea via the territory of the Republic of Croatia11.05.1996.11.05.1996.22.11.1998.
Treaty on the implementation of the Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina which enables transport to Croatia via the Federation11.05.1996.11.05.1996.22.11.1998.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on rail transport14.03.1996.14.03.1996.04/9613.09.1996.3/2008
Treaty on the determination of border crossings between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina14.03.1996.14.03.1996.06.04.2001.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on international road transport14.03.1996.14.03.1996.04/9609.10.1996.
Memorandum of Understanding for the joint renewal of transport connections between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina14.03.1996.14.03.1996.
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the stimulation and mutual protection of investments (area of application - Federation B-H)26.02.1996.08/9704.08.1997.07/01
Agreement on air transport between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina26.02.1996.05/9601.06.1996.12/98
Protocol on the temporary application of the Agreement on the abolition of visa requirements26.02.1996.04.03.1996.22.07.1996.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on legal assistance in civil and criminal issues (area of application- Federation of B-H)26.02.1996.26.02.1996.12/9620.12.1996.3/2008
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the mutual execution of court rulings in criminal issues26.02.1996.26.02.1996.3/201008.07.2010.6/2010
Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the origin of goods (area of application - Federation of B-H)26.02.1996.
Agreement on the establishment of the Joint Council for Cooperation14.12.1995.14.12.1995.
Protocol on implementation of the Agreement on the mission of goodwill and joint police forces for the action called "Return"24.11.1995.24.11.1995.
Agreement on initialling the General Framework of the Agreement for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina21.11.1995.21.11.1995.
Agreement on the return of refugees in the region of Velika Kladuša and Cazin15.11.1995.15.11.1995.
Dayton Agreement on the implementing of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Annex on the Agreement (Agreed principle for the Interim Statute of the City of Mostar)10.11.1995.10.11.1995.
Agreement on the establishment of a good will mission and mutual political forces towards the action "Return," together with the Trilateral New York Declaration of the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Turkey23.10.1995.23.10.1995.
Memorandum of Trilateral Meeting Among the delegations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Croatia 03.10.1995.
Declaration of the implementation of the Washington Accord, mutual defense from Serbian aggression and the achievement of a political settlement consistent with the efforts of the international community (the Split Declaration)22.07.1995.22.07.1995.
Treaty on the economic cooperation, between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina24.03.1995.24.03.1995.05/96
Treaty on customs cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina24.03.1995.
Agreement on the return of refugees between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina24.03.1995.
Treaty on Visa Cancellation between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 24.03.1995.05.12.2003.
Protocol on the conditions of entry with reference to transit of citizens of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Republic of Croatia24.03.1995.08.04.1995.04.03.1996.
Protocol on the implementation of the Agreement on the return of refugees between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina24.03.1995.
Framework of the Agreement on the confederate relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Washington Accord) Statement on the confirmation of the authenticity of the documents: 1. Preliminary Agreement on the formation of the confederation between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the appendix which includes two agreements: 2. Agreement which grants the Federation B-H access to the Adriatic Sea via the territory of the Republic of Croatia, 3. Agreement between the Federation B-H and the Republic of Croatia which enables transit through the Federation Statement which confirms and supports the documents: 4. Draft Constitution of the Federation B-H 5. Draft of the Preliminary Agreement on future military and economic cooperation18.03.1994.
Agreement on the passage of humanitarian convoys (for Bosnia and Herzegovina)10.07.1993.
Joint statement by the President of the Republic of Croatia and the President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina27.03.1993.27.03.1993.
Protocol on the cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the establishment of a diplomatic office of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina for humanitarian aid in the Republic of Croatia25.02.1993.
Protocol on cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the establishment of a logistics center in the Republic of Croatia for the acceptance and distribution of humanitarian aid directed to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina25.02.1993.25.02.1993.25.02.1994.
Addendum to the Agreement on friendly relations and cooperation between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia23.09.1992.23.09.1992.
Protocol on economic cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina22.07.1992.
Agreement on friendly relations and cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina21.07.1992.21.07.1992.
Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the establishment of diplomatic relations21.07.1992.
Agreement on mutual assistance in emergency consular services09.07.1992.09.07.1992.
Joint statement by the President of the Republic of Croatia and the President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina08.07.1992.
Joint statement by the President of the Republic of Croatia and the President of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina15.06.1992.

These pages contain an overview of bilateral treaties and international acts deposited in the Collection of Treaties of the Republic of Croatia, concluded by the Republic of Croatia with individual countries of the world to date, in alphabetical order according to the official shortened name of the country. In addition, these pages also contain  bilateral treaties or acts in force between the Republic of Croatia and countries concerned by virtue of  bilateral agreement on succession of bilateral agreements of the predecessor state, if such an agreement was reached.

Finally, it is worthwhile noting that in this overview of treaties and acts concluded between the Republic of Croatia and individual states (Bosnia Herzegovina, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia), certain multilateral, mostly trilateral treaties are also included, considering that in their nature they are more similar to bilateral than to multilateral treaties.

For each treaty or act, the following information is provided:

  • the official name;
  • date of conclusion;
  • information on a possible provisional application;
  • number of the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (NN-MU) in which the text is published;
  • date of entry into force;
  • number of the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (NN-MU) in which the date of entry into force is published;
  • information regarding a possible termination.

With respect to bilateral treaties or acts which the Republic of Croatia took on from the predecessor state by virtue of succession, with the information of the number of the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (NN-MU) in which the list of bilateral treaties and acts taken over by virtue of succession is given, together with the official name of each treaty or act, the information on number of the Official Gazette of the predecessor state in which the text of the treaty or act taken over by virtue of succession is published and the information about its possible termination.

For additional information, please contact us at the following address:
Directorate for European and International Law
Sector for International Law
phone: 01/4569 858
fax: 01/4597 477