- Published: 05.02.2021.
Conditions of entry into the Republic of Croatia from Japan

Passengers coming from Japan may enter the Republic of Croatia and on that occasion, they do not need to present a negative PCR test result nor a self-isolation measure will be assigned to them, only if they are:
- healthcare workers, health researchers and caregivers for the elderly;
- frontier workers (as well as e.g. athletes as stated in the exceptions for passengers within the EU / EEA);
- workers in the transport sector;
- diplomats, staff of international organizations and persons invited by international organizations whose physical presence is necessary for the good functioning of those organizations, military personnel and police officers, as well as humanitarian and civil protection personnel in the performance of their duties;
- passengers in transit with the obligation to leave the Republic of Croatia within 12 hours from entry;
- persons travelling for schooling purposes;
- seafarers (if they intend to stay in the Republic of Croatia for more than 12 hours, entry into the Republic of Croatia will be provided upon presentation of a negative PCR test on SARS-CoV-2 not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) or by PCR testing on SARS-CoV-2 immediately upon arriving to the Republic of Croatia and by self-isolating until they receive a negative test result);
- persons travelling for urgent personal / family reasons, business reasons or other economic interest (if they intend to stay in the Republic of Croatia for more than 12 hours, entry into the Republic of Croatia will be provided upon presentation of a negative PCR test on SARS-CoV-2 not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) or by PCR testing on SARS-CoV-2 immediately upon arriving to the Republic of Croatia and by self-isolating until they receive a negative test result).
When entering the Republic of Croatia, passengers from the countries covered by the list of countries of the Croatian Institute for Public Health to whom special epidemiological measures are applied (https://www.hzjz.hr/ravnateljstvo/popis-drzava-za-koje-se-pri-dolasku-u-republiku-hrvatsku-primjenjuju-posebne-epidemioloske-mjere-prilikom-prelaska-granice/), regardless of their citizenship, must present a negative PCR test result not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) and they are obliged to stay in self-isolation for 14 days, which could be shortened if a person takes a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 at their own expense on the seventh day of self-isolation at the earliest at an institution authorized to perform PCR testing and the result is negative.