Croatia's candidacy for membership in the UN ECOSOC 2026 - 2028
Accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs
- Address financing gaps
- Strengthen engagement with International Financial Institutions and Multilateral Development Banks
- Follow up to FfD4
- Share best practices and lessons learned in implementing Agenda 2030 and its SDGs on national levels
Strengthen ECOSOC evidence-based, innovative and actionable policy guidance
- Strengthen policy coherence and outcomes across ECOSOC segments and subsidiary bodies
- Contribute to the implementation of 2024 QCPR
- Adapt to new and emerging challenges through strengthened science policy interface for evidence-based decision making
Build momentum for the 2027 SDG Summit and agenda beyond 2030
- Encourage evidence and data-based discussions on lessons learned from the 2030 Agenda
- Identify new challenges for post-2030 development framework arising from new economic and geopolitical realities
Implement provisions from the Pact for the Future related to ECOSOC
- Support Youth forum for active engagement of youth as agents of change
- Support revitalization of the Commission on the Status of Women
Forge stronger ties with the Peacebuilding Commission
- Address needs of countries in fragile and conflict situations through identifying socio-economic and environmental root causes of conflict
- Strengthen linkages between peace, development and humanitarian efforts to enhance prevention, sustain peace and development
Strengthen partnerships with regional organizations and stakeholders
- Utilize the expertise of regional organizations and stakeholders to inform global policies and strategies
- Encourage more structured dialogues and engagement with stakeholders
2022-24 (VP and Chair of the Humanitarian Segment)
- Prioritized synergies among the three pillars of the UN
- Promoted the peace, development and humanitarian nexus
- Chaired the 2024 Humanitarian Affairs Segment
- Contributed to strengthening ECOSOC policy and decision-making role
- Contributed to strengthening ties with IFIs and promoting their reform
- Promoted One Health
- Promoted youth as agents for accelerating SDG implementation
- Presented 2nd VNR showcasing Croatia’s experience and lessons learned in implementing SDGs
- Contributed to identifying socio-economic and environmental root causes of conflict
- As a Chair and Vice-chair of the PBC, further strengthened cooperation between ECOSOC and the PBC
- Prioritized accelerated implementation of the Millennium Development Goals
- Contributed to the integration of all three dimensions of sustainable development
- Contributed to mainstreaming gender in the work of ECOSOC
- Supported and contributed to the development of the post-2015 development agenda
- Enhanced integration among SDGs
2000-02 (Senior VP - 2001 and President - 2002)
- Established the first advisory group on Guinea Bissau - precursor to the Peacebuilding Commission
- Contributed to raising awareness of connection between peace, development and human rights
- Increased interest in investing in health and improving health services
- Prioritized financing for development through actively contributing to the Monterrey Consensus as a member of the Bureau of the first FfD Conference
- Contributed to strengthening education for development through dialogues, ministerial roundtables and think pieces